Unless you have a prenuptial agreement stating otherwise, all contributions to a 401k made since your wedding day and any interest or accrual since then are considered Marital Property. Therefore, that money is considered a part of the assets and liabilities to be divided in a divorce settlement. Pennsylvania is an Equitable Distribution state, which…
Read MoreIf you are going through a divorce, you need help from an experienced divorce professional to save as much of your business’s assets as possible. Pennsylvania is an equitable distribution state, which means that, if a divorce goes to court, all marital property will be divided equitably, though not necessarily equally. Marital property includes property…
Read MoreMillennials, those born between 1980 and the late 1990s, are doing things differently than previous generations, and that includes marriage. Millennials are getting married less, and when they do marry, they marry later than their parents’ generation, are usually educated beyond high school, and have their careers and finances on the right track. Basically, they’re…
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