Wedding Cake Ruling illustrates hurdles ahead for Same Sex Couples

Same Sex Marriage was established as a federal right in 2015. By law, same sex couples now share all the legal protections opposite sex couples relish. However, same sex couples continue to face adversity and discrimination in pursuit of their legal rights. The recent Supreme Court ruling, Masterpiece Cake Shop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission is a case in point. The Court ruled in favor of a baker who refused to bake a cake to celebrate the marriage of a same sex couple because of his Christian beliefs.

The freedom to express beliefs about marriage, family, and values will come under growing pressure as courts come to interpret the federal law in local jurisdictions. A society that redefines marriage to include same sex couples will have to undergo significant change – legal and cultural – before more progress is made.

Other legal obstacles same sex couples may still face include unequal rights in the areas of adoption, parental rights and child custody.

Elissa has served as an advocate for same sex couples who have faced these issues for more than 20 years. Call her office today at 215-345-5259 to schedule a free first consult.

-Siena Cerra for Elissa C. Goldberg, Esquire

Law Office of Elissa C. Goldberg
107 North Broad Street, Suite 211
Doylestown, PA 18901