
The Stay-at-Home Mother and Divorce

By Jennifer Gardella / November 15, 2023

Divorce is a difficult adjustment for everyone who goes through it, but it represents a much more dramatic change for stay-at-home moms than for mothers who work outside the home, even part-time.  Mothers rarely are able to stay at home full-time after divorce. Therefore, as soon as you suspect you will be divorcing, a stay-at-home…

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Does Your Divorce Have to Go to Trial?

By Jennifer Gardella / October 25, 2023

In Pennsylvania, your divorce does not have to go to trial. In fact, you don’t have to appear in court at all, and for many reasons, it is a very good idea to stay out of court completely. Fighting out your divorce in court can be very expensive. Additionally, when you and your spouse cannot…

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Refinancing Your Home in Your Divorce

By Jennifer Gardella / September 24, 2023

One of the biggest questions divorcing couples need to decide is what to do with the family home. Often, especially when there are minor children involved, the parent who has custody of the children through most of the week will want to keep the house. Many times, this is the mother who has stayed home…

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