
Begin your Pennsylvania divorce with the end goal in mind

By Elissa C. Goldberg / August 22, 2016

Divorce by definition is caused by two people who cannot agree. A key choice you need to make when beginning divorce is what you want the legal process to achieve Most people would say “That’s easy. I want a fair deal.” The complications come when two people, who already disagree, begin to hammer out what…

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Faster Divorce in PA? House Bill 380 could save a year for some

By Elissa C. Goldberg / August 15, 2016

Current Pennsylvania divorce law offers a two-year separation as grounds for divorce. This is known as no-fault divorce under Section §3301(d) of the Pennsylvania divorce code. It is typically used by couples who do not agree that the marriage is irretrievably broken. This allows the party that wants the divorce to proceed, after two years…

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After the Name Change: updating identification in Pennsylvania

By Elissa C. Goldberg / August 1, 2016

By Willa Conrad of Law Office & Mediation Services of Elissa C. Goldberg posted in Name Change on Monday, August 1, 2016. You’ve completed a Name Change in Pennsylvania. Now, it’s time to update your identification to reflect the change.

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