
Renegotiating Alimony in Pennsylvania? Better Consider New Tax Laws

By Elissa C. Goldberg / April 13, 2018

Alimony can be a contentious issue, and once settled, many might prefer to leave well enough alone. Sometimes, though, revisiting and revising alimony agreements are necessary. For instance, if the payor agrees to a longer term of payment or the recipient agrees to a shorter term, or the Property Settlement Agreement allows for modification of…

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How to Inventory for Asset Division in Divorce

By Elissa C. Goldberg / March 19, 2018

Asset Division is typically one of the most complicated conversation couples must have in divorce. The task of laying out and tallying marital assets and debts can be emotionally simplified by looking at it as a document gathering exercise rather than an argument. Amidst the volatile emotions of divorce, separating finances is a dollars and…

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New tax bill: U.S. Treasury vs. Alimony recipients?

By Elissa C. Goldberg / March 2, 2018

Why were alimony deductions for payors eliminated (for divorces after December 31, 2018) by the Tax Bill of 2017? Most likely it’s due to a disparity in tax reporting by individuals over many years. While legislators searched for ways to replace the enormous revenue cuts the bill proscribed, alimony was an easy target. According to…

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