
Gaming and Your Marriage

By Elissa C. Goldberg / October 10, 2018

Can gaming really cause the end of a marriage?  A divorce website in the United Kingdom recently stated that 5% of divorce petitions so far this year blamed “addiction to Fortnite” for the divorce. And the game just came out last summer.  In the past we have seen social media and even “email communication” as…

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Pennsylvania: Child Support post-Hanrahan and trusts

By Elissa C. Goldberg / October 8, 2018

Does it count as Child Support if a parent sets up a trust for their minor children by a previous spouse? According to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling in Hanrahan v. Bakker in June 2018, the answer is: No! As part of a multi-tiered opinion handed down earlier this year, the state Supreme Court said a voluntary…

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Pennsylvania: High Income Child Support calculations after Hanrahan v. Bakker

By Elissa C. Goldberg / October 2, 2018

Support in Pennsylvania is standardized by state law into a calculation based on a specific set of factors, including the net income of both parents, the percentage of custody each has the child(ren), and costs of childcare and health insurance to arrive at the reasonable financial needs of children. This last factor was greatly affected…

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