
Collaborative Law Divorce and Divorce Mediation

By nickeyh / May 7, 2021

Collaborative Law Divorce and Divorce Mediation are two distinct methods for separating spouses to maintain control in difficult circumstances. The recent announcement that Microsoft’s genius billionaire, Bill Gates, and Melinda, his wife of 27 years, are divorcing makes me think about several aspects of the divorce process where emotions and law intersect. The Gates are…

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When Divorcing Parents Disagree about the Children

By Jennifer Gardella / August 12, 2020

The fact of the matter is, if you disagreed about the children before your divorce, you are probably going to disagree after the divorce. However, it is imperative that you find some common ground while you’re going through the divorce process because if you can’t come to an agreement, the divorce could go before a…

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Dividing Debt in Your Divorce

By Jennifer Gardella / July 29, 2020

When settling a divorce, “marital property” does not just refer to assets – it refers to debt, as well. So besides dividing your shared house, car, and other belongings, you’ll be dividing your mortgage, car loans, credit card debt, and educational loans as well. Ideally, you should try to settle out of court, because when…

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