Since your credit score tracks your history as an individual regardless of your married state, your credit score is not directly impacted by a divorce, per se. It is, however, impacted by the dividing of assets, change in accounts, and possible change in income that can occur in the event of a divorce. Usually, that…
Read MoreThere’s no way to prevent your children from experiencing emotional distress from your divorce, just as there is no way to prevent yourself from being distressed in some way. In many divorces, those in which the couple has been very unhappy or there has been a lot of conflict, there may be a sense of…
Read MoreThere are many challenges and concerns involved when a divorced parent wants to travel abroad with his or her child. Both Pennsylvania law and federal law come into play, and it is critical to get the help of an experienced divorce lawyer or mediator to make sure that your child is protected. Because the process…
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