
Appraising your business for Divorce in Pennsylvania

By Elissa C. Goldberg / April 19, 2016

You are in the middle of a divorce. You are also running a business. How do you keep one from affecting the other? Business owners have a particularly volatile issue to address in divorce. For many married owners, the business is both the most valuable and most illiquid asset in the marital estate. Consequently, valuation…

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Divorce in Pennsylvania Think before you Tweet

By Elissa C. Goldberg / April 15, 2016

Tweeting about your divorce or using other social media may seem an innocent way to blow off steam from heavy emotions. “I just had a fight wid my husband. So i thought of starting a blog about my life and how miserable i am when im wid him” tweeted Depressed Housewife @HusbandHater in April, 2009.…

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The Cost of Divorce

By Elissa C. Goldberg / March 25, 2016

A Series exploring how to control and measure the cost of divorce in Bucks County, PA. Part II: “What is the dollar amount my divorce will cost me?” Every client talking to me about divorce asks the question “How much will this cost me?” When it comes to calculating dollars and cents, it is difficult…

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