Clean House After a Divorce

Details, details, details. Divorce is full of details, large and small. It is more than a separation of property-it means separating everything from your bank accounts to your CD collection. A recent Huffington Post article mentions seven ways to spot-clean your life after your divorce is finalized. Tips include changing your ex’s name in your cell phone to something strictly professional, like ‘co-parent,’ play therapy for your children, and liberating closet clean-out therapy for you.

If you have children, maintaining a working relationship with your former spouse is especially important. The article suggests exchanging weekly H.E.A.R. emails with your ex-emails that only discuss your children’s health, education, activities and reinforcement of discipline. Small steps like this can help create a successful co-parenting partnership and keep your relationship cordial.

If you run into a co-parenting snarl, remember the cardinal rule: talk equals savings. Every time you and your ex sit down and talk it out, you save in legal fees. If that doesn’t work, our office can assist with custody stipulations and support issues after the decree. We are here to help, during the divorce process and the aftermath.

There are many details to be worked out in divorce- let us help you sort through them.