Divorces can be complex financial and emotional struggles for families. While it is often in the best interests of the adults and the children to resolve things amicably, that is not always possible. The best results come from working with an attorney who understands the legal process and is comfortable not only with courtroom advocacy, but also with other avenues to reach your goals, including collaborative law divorce and mediation.

Elissa C. Goldberg
and her associates can provide legal assistance to you with your divorce, alimony, child support, adoption, name change and custody issues.
Based in Doylestown, the Law Office & Mediation Services of Elissa C. Goldberg, LLC focuses solely on family law, serving individuals, couples and families of Bucks County, Montgomery County and the Philadelphia metro area since 1995. Our attorney has a broad range of experience, from working as a divorce mediator to handling international adoptions.
As a trained mediator, family lawyer Elissa C. Goldberg can help you develop a strategy for your situation that focuses on problem solving — not litigation.
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We handle all divorce and family law matters, from asset division and spousal support to child custody and child support. Bucks County divorce lawyer Elissa C. Goldberg confidently tackles custody feuds, high-asset divorce, contested adoptions and other high-conflict cases, and she has experience in international child abduction cases.
Our clients come from all walks of life and all types of family structures: stay-at-home spouses and high earners, young and old couples, blended families and unmarried parents. Whatever your situation, we have the sophisticated knowledge, creativity and outside resources to protect your interests while guiding you to your goals.
Dividing property or determining custody doesn’t have to be a fight. If both parties are open to working out a solution, alternative dispute resolution is worth exploring. Resolving family disputes out of court with family mediation or collaborative law reduces time, expense and animosity, giving you more control over the divorce settlement or custody arrangements.
Elissa C. Goldberg can serve as a neutral facilitator in family law mediation to forge an agreement. She is also trained in collaborative law, in which both parties agree not to litigate and then utilize the resources of attorneys, divorce coaches and financial planners to work out a settlement.
In some situations, however, litigation is unavoidable. In such cases, Ms. Goldberg is an accomplished trial lawyer who will fiercely protect your rights when your divorce or custody dispute must be settled in the courtroom.